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Cheap Find: Bag Organizer

When I did my What's In My Bag post, you'll see that I bring a large pouch and another small one. It can be quite bulky so I sometimes skip the large pouch and just put everything inside my bag. And when I need something, I have to dig inside and it takes a little while before finding it. To better describe my bag - it was disorganized and messy. So while walking around Landmark last Friday, Arg spotted bag organizers and I couldn't resist it. At first I was a bit hesitant but then I just couldn't resist the price tag - PHP79.75. I was choosing between pink-purple and gray-khaki then decided to go for the latter. Much to my surprise, it was on sale with a 10% discount and the price dropped to PHP71.77. I have been checking out bag organizers on eBay and they sell for more than PHP150 each so this is really a good bargain. I chose the one without the base but it still does the job of organizing my things. Here are pictures. :)

Originally, I made a silly mistake of thinking this is how it's supposed to look like. But later on realized that it's not.

And I got it right.

How it looks like inside my bag. Better, right? :)

Even though I don't know my way around Trinoma and it awfully reminds me of Glorietta (which I really hate going to since I think it's like an octopus and has many alleys which isn't good for people with no sense of direction like, ehem, me) I think I should start going there more often because of the great bargains at Landmark. :P

Found anything cheap but fab lately? :) Happy Halloween!

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