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Interior secretary nutball Ryan ZInke wishes to start a war with birds and is called out by Steve Chapman and ideas sued by Lisa Madigan

Polly Cracker
   The migratory bird act of 1918 protects my fellow avian friends  from the destructive capabilities of industrial land use and the corporation need to use and abuse the landscape to tailor their needs. Companies seek ways around this act as many see it as unnecessary over-regulation and a burden to use and follow that many times stops the easy flow of money into their coffers and adverting budgets and now a top Trump administration official seeks ways around this act and opportunities given to large corporations to kill off millions of birds.
Interior secretary Ryan Zinke wishes to allow companies snot be liable for the mass slaughter of birds form their practices as long as there was no overall evidence of direct unequivocal action. Ryan Zinke is a madman and it is nuts like him to why so many species of birds have been wantonly slaughtered most famous of course is the passenger pigeon where land hungry pull them up by their bootstraps pioneers who just had to aim  a shotgun in the sky for frequent freebies of protein and feathers.
Chicago Tribune columnist Steve Chapman blew this Trump cabinet member a new ass as these regulations are protections for our precious habitat. Ryan Zinke hates this 1918 act and how much money donated by mega-corporations have been given to this jerk and for him to call for open war against birds to do some quantitative easing for the profiteers.
Chapman was right to blast this jackass and he express gratefulness to the eight state attorney generals , including our great one Lisa Madigan, for getting in this madman interior secretary;s face and filed a lawsuit and were joined by some eighteen former interior secretary (Both Republican and democrat( about the absurdity of this current Trump joker and attempts to sway back to the days that lead to the extinction of the great lovely passenger pigeon.Ryan Zinke is a jackass and shill for the polluters of industry and all birds should drop some white drip on the head and face of this shit head interior secretary.
Ms Madigan and these other AGs know that if left to their own accord companies would always put complete negligence over bird safety and populations in the habitat as in the pursuit for profit minimal thought of birds and their plight would ever be an afterthought by these greedy corporations. We are lucky to have a Lisa Madigan in office If birds could talk instead of chirp they would give a thanks to these attorney  generals and their lawsuits

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