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John C Fremont and his map calls the election and possible California indpendence as non-Whites angered at being ruled

Baba Pugwuthi
   John c Fremont is a small time Youtube video pusher and really a  nobody n the world of zine and video. Jon C had his own map which called the Trump election and his ability to get it right puts him ion the map and John c is going to get bigger and maybe make it to prime time as a top 500 Youtuber. John C Fremont's map call days before the election Image result for john c fremont youtube John C Fremont nd other conservatives though saw it in their neighbor and anger how the displacement of rural communities and what made America had gravitated folks towards Donald Trump against the Islamcist and Chinese money candidate of Hillary Clinton. I have seen it to from my White neighbors jealous that I own a Dunking Donuts through global money giving priority to immigrant like myself to have assets and own business no matter how shady or little actual and practical need in a community. John C Fremont saw the anger in the red state something which many big city debt-allowance city folks cannot comprehend that the power of the five big banks give preferences to a Harlem Globetrodden gypsy class.
 I have been telling fellow Democrats that the only way to ensure republicans don't get the house, Senate, and congress is bring in more dam brown immigrants . I don't care if they are from Mexico. Peru, or fucking Pakistan. I think the realization of Americans that they are  losing their country to immigrants as I see it in my town as more and more Indian and Pakistan resterauts take over long-established spots that the Americans were accustomed to go and the white backlash was seen in this election. this mans youtube and prediction ca be found at thttps://www.youtube.com/user/ColeTheBigfootHunter   I am sure John C Fremont had witnessed this same occurrence and the YouTube guy made a strong and bold prediction on YouTube prior to the election looking at his data and called the election. JPEG - 54.5 kbJohn c Fremont's internet name if not his own is no accident as he chose a White military leader who conquered land that belonged to Mexico in California. Now there is talk of California seceding as the illegals are seething at the prospect of Republican leadership for the entire nation. I believe there will be a stronger independence movement for California or enosis with Mexico in the upcoming years du to this election. the balkanization of North America is an event that much like Yugoslavia and the old soviet Union will occur

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