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Happy Earth Day to Earth! And my food blog. =)

I haven't planned a post for this, but I was quite struck by an ad in the papers today that I've decided I should say Happy Earth Day to Earth!

I have always been quite concerned about the entire global warming issue and us losing the Amazon forest, increase desertation, more endangered species etc, but of course I wouldn't call myself the big big greenie.

Okay, so I gave up my water bottles recently for a lighter bag. I have been carrying a leather handbag for some time now, and I find it really light and convenient, a big change from having carrying more than 5kg bags all my life, often, 2 or 3 bags all more than 5kg, because of the school system in Singapore. So you can imagine what  a big relief it is to be able to move around with only 3kg.

In fact, studies have shown that women should walk around, especially not on shopping trips, with bags heavier than 4kg. This will spoil your spine and bones.

So yep, water is heavy, so no water bottles for me.

However, this ad for Earth day asks us to carry our own bottles, as this would save a lot, a lot of PET bottles when you buy drinks outside. And it also prints the amount of rubbish reduced if we all do not buy packet or bottled drinks.

It made me feel so guilty that I think I have to carry my water bottle again.

In fact, I have been using one for as long as I can remember because I drink plain home boiled water, and I do not like sugared and soft drinks. Time to go back to this habit.

So I urge all to also carry your own water bottle. More often than not, in manufacturing, the amount of waste generated and electricity consumed is far, far more than what we can recycle. So recycling is really not as significant as reduced usage.

In the process of recycling, it is also more often than not not value for resources and money, which is why you see that some things cannot be recycled. It actually takes up more energy (electricity, coal etc), and produces more waste, than if you just throw that thing away.

So reduce is the way to go, just like prevention is better than cure! =)


Last but not least, I have also decided to shift my food post to my food blog. Hooray! Finally gotten down to doing this, since I have recently started to eat quite a lot, and there are just too many pictures piling up.

I am currently looking for the best Japanese ramen in Singapore, in line with arguably the best food blog in Singapore, that is ieatishootipost. Written by a family doctor, this guy is so serious he bought a DSLR just to take good pictures of food. And the best part is that he really only blogs about good food, and cheap food. So you don't waste your calories on yucky food, and don't waste money on meals as well.

So that's about that. I will upload the picture of the ad soon!

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