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DIY - Colorful recycled box for your makeup

I usually don't throw cardboard boxes of various day-to-day things I use. I feel that they can be reused for lots of other things. You can recycle them in various ways, which Rads posted here very nicely on her blog. However, today while emptying a big box of Kelloggs cornflakes, I got an idea to make it work for storing some stuffs, which usually keep spreading on my table and give me quite cluttered feeling.

I tried making a storage box out of it and was pretty happy with the end result. Since I was just experimenting, I didn't spend much efforts in making it look nice. I think next time, I'll stick tissue paper around the cardboard to hide all the print marks, and then the finishing would be pretty nice. It took me just 30 minutes to make this.

I've used pearl white shade, which is not coming properly in the camera. It looks really pretty white, but in camera it is looking quite opaque.

Check the pics below and let me know how you find it?
That Kellogs wouldn't have shown, if I'd stick tissue paper over the cardboard before painting

I think now I know what to do with other cardboard boxes!! :D. Try it out.
All you need are:
1) One spare cardboard box, I used Kellogs
2) Scissors
3) Tissue papers
4) Glue
5) Acrylic colors,
6) Paint brushes
7) Staplers
Right now just kept all scattered things in it. :P

My pretty paint brushes - I can flaunt them atleast!!

Just stick some tissue with glue on the boxes, let it dry properly and use your imagination!! :D

Tip: Acrylic colors have a tendency to attract dirt and dust which get stuck to them and might make your masterpiece a messy piece. If you want to preserve it, always stick cellophane sheets on the finished work. This will preserve your work and cardboard from dirt and any wear or tear. 

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