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Jack Dorsey and twitter to become toast like Myspace

Jamie Logan
  Jack Dorsey at twitter doesn't know what to do twitter is fast-falling as a reliable and viable economic platform of social media and is exposing all that is wrong with internet stocks. The stock has stumbled some seventy percent weighed down by user growth fears of investors. perhaps they have tried twitter out for themselves and seen all these fake accounts of models and hot women for themselves and when trying to contact get no response. Clearly twitter was an invention to gather some of the social media pie money made available through investors infatuation with one mark Zuckerberg. jack Dorsey is no mark Zuckerberg and instead he is more like Myspace founder  Tom Anderson. His Myspace was once the darling of the investor's world before they got tired of the nonsense and spending put towards his company that didn't really justify a quarter of all that money propped up to create this sense of value for the company. Dorsey, like Anderson is hoping associating himself with celebrities and influential people will somehow work wonders for his site. He also wants to increase live-streaming video which yahoo tried and failed miserably still looking for a potential buyer. Dorsey also wants to make it easier for developers and more safer for them unless they are Mideast Syrian jihadists wanting to bring their war to other areas.  Basically all this money going to these young guys and their start ups was primarily the aim and objective of their influential and wealthy fathers wishig to keep their slacker sons preoccupied and doing something besides playing video games all day in their basements, somewhere in the Dorsey's household jack's mother has the couch warn and cocoa cooking for her son to return to his call fo Duty games when this sillt tweeting bullshit ponzinscheme ends much like om Anderson is now home.

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