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Maybelline King buys The Great Lover's Villa Valentino in the Hollywood Hills

The Villa Valentino, with Aspiration overlooking the pool.


     To protect the Maybelline Company, the family and his own public scrutiny, Tom Lyle and Emory moved to California, and bought Rudolph Valentino's Villa at 6776 Wedgwood Place, in Whitely Heights. The beautiful Mediterranean Villa with its white stucco and old world tile roof was bought by Valentino in 1921 when he was engaged to Natasha Rambova, and later auctioned off for debts after Valentino's death in 1926.

      There in the privacy of the Villa Valentino, Tom Lyle and Emory concentrated on advertising while Rags stayed in Chicago and concentrated on marketing to the trade. Since Maybelline was a privately owned family operated Company with no stockholders to please, it was able to pump every bit of profit back into advertising and tremendous marketing campaigns.

Read all about Tom Lyle and Emery in Hollywood in The Maybelline Story, by his great niece Sharrie Williams.

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