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Great Action Cam On A Budget: Supremo 1 WIFI Action Cam Review + Video Test

A few days before my Great Barrier Reef adventure last year, I felt the urge to buy an action camera because I figured it would be IMPOSSIBLE to take photos without dropping my phone or camera in the ocean, or splashing some water onto them. It would also be RIDICULOUS to not take snapshots of the majestic, largest living creature on earth - the reef- so I stretched my budget for a little bit to accommodate an action camera. I wanted a GoPro; I really did, but my wallet said "LOL NO."

After thorough research, I whittled down my choices between the following entry- level action cameras: Xiaomi Yi, Supremo 1, and Qube X-Cam. My gut feel said Supremo 1 so I went for it, plus it's widely available. I wanted to purchase it via Kimstore, but was out of stock unfortunately; good thing Globe is finally selling action gadgets and I scored one at the Greenbelt 3 store. 

Here's my honest review on the item and why this is a very good action camera for adventurers on a budget.

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