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Timothy Dunn Arabian Fig Candle

No, it's not a stocking filler of the day for under £10 today. It's a rather expensive indulgent treat in the name of a candle at £45 - just to shake things up you see.

Sarcasm aside, I personally would not purchase a candle for this price at present as I cannot afford to (insert the obvious LMAO) but having said that, if I would have cash to splurge, I surely would get my hands on this  beauty.

I know quite a few people who would actually love to receive this as a present and would cherish it. Also because it's housed in such a chic leather like, mulberry coloured box, it looks beautiful as a decorative piece as well. It's like the Louis Vuitton of all candles isn't it?

Coming to the scent of the candle, I am rather bewildered by this one. Being usually decent at describing scents, I cannot put my finger on a few things that it smells of. I can surely smell fig strongly as I do love fig-inspired scents personally. Besides that, it's very warm, spicy and woody. I cannot smell anything flowery as mentioned on the back of the box, which is quite refreshing for a change in my opinion.

Quite a mature yet unusual winter scent that's not overpowering but also not something that can be ignored. Like it or hate it, it will be on your mind - it's that kind of a scent that grabs your attention and makes sure it's remembered.

It's one of those good quality candles that fills the room with its scent before you even start burning it. This particular one promises 60 hours burning time due to its humongous size. I like that it comes with a lid for when not in use as I despise leaving candles open, coming to find almost every fluff in the house stuck to the wax.

I am one of those people who believe in quality instead of quantity, so if you are looking for a foolproof opulent present for someone mature with a liking for all things chic, this would be it.


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