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Hair Trauma: 5 Tips To Treat Color Damaged

Did You Know? December 3rd, 2013 - 8:32 am | Posted by Chanel Robinson

Q: Dear Hair Trauma: I don't want to get rid of my ombre color, but my hair is severely over-processed because of the upkeep. Is there anything I can do to treat my split ends and breakage while keeping my color on point?

A: Don't give up on your fabulous hair color just because of over-processing.

Unfortunately, adorning an ombre color can be very hard on your strands because the chemicals used in the developer (bleach) and actual hair color deeply penetrate the hair cuticle, making it more susceptible to damage such as the dryness, brittleness, and split-ends that you're currently experiencing.

Luckily, color damage is possible to treat when using the correct color safe hair products and practicing the right hair care routines.

Check out these 5 Juicy tips to get your hair back in shape while rocking your favorite shade of color....

Chanel Robinson is both a writer and licensed cosmetologist residing in Chicago, Illinois. Her time at VIBE magazine allowed her to develop a hunger and passion for hair, beauty, and fashion. Currently a retail professional at ULTA Beauty, Robinson brings her first hand knowledge of trends and products. Follow her @Chanel_Robinson.

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