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Review: Natralus Natural Deodorants


I know I talk about skincare and makeup a lot on this blog, and less so about haircare (but I still do quite often), but what about the unsung heros? The stuff that we need every day, to get through the long hard slog, and still feel human on the other side? That's right, we're talking about the humble, yet mighty, deodorant. I'm a creature of habit with my deodorant, and it takes a lot for me to try something different, which I have, for the last 2 weeks! Say hello to the new Natralus Natural Deodorants!


Firstly, let me just say that I love seeing brands branch out into doing something that I've never seen from them before - it's always exciting when it's a brand that is well established with me, doing things that I already love. Natralus is one such brand, already doing amazing things with their lip balms, hand creams and of course, their natural paw paw balm, which is just a wonderful multi-purpose product that I have in my handbag for on the go fix ups. Hopefully, this means that we will be seeing a whole range of new and exciting products from them in the near future!

When asked which scents I was keen on, I picked Wild Rose, because, well, why wouldn't you, and Cool Spice for something else on the other end of the spectrum. There's also Lemon Myrtle, and Zesty Citrus, both of which sounded interesting, didn't grab me quite like the other two did. These are all made in Australia, cruelty free, vegan, aluminium free and eco-friendly. They come in 50 ml glass bottle with a roller applicator, and I didn't find this to leave any white streaks on clothing.


I found both scents to be delightful - Wild Rose smelled like I thought it would, delicately floral and fresh, while Cool Spice had a peppery, refreshing base. They aren't anti-perspirants, but they seem to work well controlling your own body odour for the most part. I did find this to hit a bit of a hiccup about 4 hours into one of the hottest and most humid days that we had within the last 2 weeks, and I had to do a bit of a top up, which definitely helped. I would prefer a stronger deodorant on the harsher days, but for the kind of weather than we've been having in more recent days, it's really quite good then. 

Overall, however, I found it lovely to catch a whiff of Wild Rose in the middle of the day, reminding me of how hard it was working generally, or a faint scent of Cool Spice while working - both really pleasant scents that didn't overpower my own perfumes. These retail for $14.95 for 50 ml each, and you can grab your own bottle over here. Which scent would you go for?

*These products were provided for editorial consideration

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