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Blue Monday Giveaway 2018 **Giveaway Closed**

If you are having feelings similar to those that would be used to describe symptoms of depression - such as but not limited to feelings of helplessness, loss of energy and irritability, then you could be a sufferer of Blue Monday. Known as the most "depressing day of the year" because of a combination of factors; Christmas is over, the weather is shite and those New Year's resolutions are seeming a lot harder than first thought. 

HOWEVER that's not what this blog post is about. To deter those feelings of Blue Monday I've decided to run my very first giveaway!! The rules of how to enter are pretty simple, find them underneath and the best of luck to you all!


1.) follow me on Instagram @ohhheyitsaimee
2.) like the competition photo on Insta
3.) tag 3 friends in the comments of the photo 

**Republic of Ireland entries only

**Disclaimer** I am in no way claiming a date can trigger depression in people, only that a combination of factors found on the day called Blue Monday can cause feelings in people similar to symptoms found in depression. I am also in no suggesting a giveaway can ease the cause of depression. This giveaway is down purely for fun and to maybe brighten someone's day. Any offence caused I apologise in advance as it is not my intention!

Until next time...

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