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Christmas Break...oh and I picked Necrons!

Well, it's coming up to that incredible time of year...I chuffin' love Christmas..I'm such a kid!

So, with that Christmassy loving approaching.. Venerable Brother is signing off until the 27th of December..

Before I go...I submitted by army list for the first tourney of the year - Caledonian Uprising.. and submitted.............



Yup, Mumm Ra and his boys are going to fuck y'all up! Merry Xmas!

Interestingly, the tournament has a "Band Wagon Amnesty" whereby players may change their list away FROM the most chosen codices to another of thier choosing.. the most popular at this event are, unsurprisingly, SW and GK. So players may email and change to another book.. I am glad in the end that I did not run either book.

Although I may come to regret not running my lovely Wolves...

Anyway, Merry Christmas fuckers!

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