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Coc th8 anti air def and anti hog base

Coc anti air def and anti hog rider base. It is difficult when you attack a th8 base... Iy had 3 air def and 3 big bombs that surely you attack troops will die early. We have created a def that is impossible to attavk they can have difficulties on attacking you base. The base put some mind of the attacker. For example when you attack a air base he just put the storage near the air def because the storage has a big life span when the attacker attack most priority they destroy is the storage first then the air def. most like the dragon attack.  Then for the hog rider they put the big bombs also near the air def because it is most priority when the hog rider attacks. Hog rider is weak in big bombsBut well for the story short.. Just follow the base def above and surely you will in the game. Have fun playing in the game. Coc anti air def and aniti hog. 

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