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I can't sleep...

So I thought I'd make a small post using the pad again.

Only a couple of pictures this time of a member of the Kyoto Shinsengumi. They were basically a kind of police force in Edo period Japan (around 1860-65). You might have seen them in. Japanese historical drama but there were several other forces of this type, especially in the bigger town and cities.

I can't remember if I mentioned it before but I'm going to have an Edo period range of figures sculpted and the Shinsengumi will be part of this.

The figure itself is a Perry unarmoured samurai and there are a couple of other figures in the range that will suit and so I've made a start on them.

The second photo was played around with in a picture editing app whose name escapes me but it's a standard one and the options are nothing special (it was free though :-) but I thought it turned out rather well.


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