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Burn them...burn them all!


Just a quick post as today showing my (as promised) latest Alpha Legionnaire. This one will go with my non-decaled veteran tactical squad. The heavy flamer came from the new Blood Angels tac. squad box via a bitz seller online. It was a relatively simply weapon and backpack swap, so much so that I'm not sure if it even qualifies as a proper 'conversion'.

This model still needs to be clear coated with matte varnish, and then another 'ard coat on the eye lenses. However it was raining with 100% humidity last night, which is hardly a good environment for clear coating anything!

My next few Alpha Legionnaires will be sergeants and special weapon equipped veteran marines. I'm hoping they'll keep be busy until the next five Chinese recruits in their Mk III armor arrive. They'll bring me up to two full, 10 man squads and pretty close to the 1500 point mark for the army!

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